Saturday, March 28, 2020

What Is a Practice Tutoring English Reading Test?

What Is a Practice Tutoring English Reading Test?What is the purpose of a practice tutoring English reading test? This practice test helps a student to become familiar with the basic concepts of English literature. It teaches a student how to read aloud in English. You can take the quiz multiple times until you are comfortable with it.There are many ways to learn the English language like textbooks, magazines, books, chat rooms, writing articles, research on the Internet and so on. The key to English education is to write, read and speak it. A practice reading test is helpful in preparing a student for a real language test.Studying English Literature provides a complete course for a student of English Literature. Many students who studied English Lit literature would consider it as their favorite subject. Although you might not be able to prepare for an exam, it helps if you know what you are supposed to write. Reading a lot of literature would give you knowledge and understanding of how a good writer has written a particular piece of work.There are many ways to practice English. You can go to a library and start reading a lot of books that deal with any kind of topic from geography to modern art. Reading can help you see if you have an idea about the meaning of the words you encounter.Some people prefer to visit the library to have a taste of reading all the books that deal with the English language. During your lunch break you can take some reading materials from the kitchen. Reading a lot of fiction novels will help you with humor and relating to the world you are in.Another thing you can do is to study any given passage in English and make notes about it. Studying English Literature in its essence is in depth understanding and deeper analysis of how the words have been used and how they have been formed.If you want to get an idea about English, you can take a practice reading test. You can find a number of online sources that give you the outlines of the to pics to be covered by the test. It is advisable to test yourself first before taking a real test. You can also talk to a friend or a relative to test your ability to read.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Harry Patch has died is History becoming harder to teach

Harry Patch has died is History becoming harder to teach The last month has seen a stream of interest in the two World Wars as these events begin to fade from living memory. In the UK, the deaths of Henry Allingham and Harry Patch, our last two veterans of World War I, have sparked a time of national remembrance. Meanwhile, in Germany this week, a 90-year-old man was sentenced to life imprisonment for war crimes in a case thought to be 'the last of its kind'. This latter event shows how long human memory can be, because the success of the case has relied on the survival of eyewitnesses. As a History student at university, I was immensely privileged to be able to speak to people who were involved in the Second World War. My grandparents and their generation were testimony to that period. Allingham and Patch were internationally important for this very reason: they put a human face on an terrible era of history now defined for many by war movies and fiction. The battlefields, memorials and abandoned camps all still remain. These have a power of their own - no-one can visit Tyne Cot, the largest war cemetery in the Commonwealth, without being awestruck at the sheer scale of the massacres. These are however very rooted to their context and can't easily be evoked in the classroom. How can History tutors, both now and in the future, compensate for the loss of eyewitnesses? Many children claim to find History 'dusty and boring'. How can we ensure that written records, documentary evidence and other resources engage students of History to bring out its human aspects, and hopefully encourage more pupils to take up secondary History beyond the compulsory age of 14?

7 Diverse Languages Spoken Daily in the USA

7 Diverse Languages Spoken Daily in the USA 7 Diverse Languages Spoken Daily in the USA The United States of America is so famous for the English of its mainstream films, TV and music that it sometimes seems like everybody forgets about the other 349 languages spoken daily in American homes.Thats right: If you thought the USA is a monolingual, English-speaking country, you couldnt be farther from the truth. On both individual and societal levels, Americans are no strangers to the benefits of multilingualism.The United States of America is actually among the most multicultural  countries on the planet, which makes it by definition one of the most linguistically diverse as well. Were talking more than just the Spanish spoken by tens of millions of immigrants and heritage speakers; a recent census study found that Americans speak 350 languages in their homes every day.Some of these languages have been brought from overseas by immigrants, others are native to the societies which inhabited North America before European exploration and still others are uniquely American-made creoles and hybrids.As a visitor just getting off the plane or a local living in a homogeneous English-speaking community, it may look and sound like youre in a purely Anglophone country. But scratch the surface and underneath it youll find nearly as many languages as you will different cultures in the USA.Of course English can get you from coast to coast without a problem, but learning just a few phrases in one or two other languages will open you up to entire other communities that call the USA home. Whether youre thinking of doing some travels in the States or youre a US citizen whos thinking about learning one of your neighbors languages, here are seven you should take a look at. 7 Diverse Languages Spoken Daily in the USA1. Spanish: The Unofficial Second Language  Most people know that there are quite a few Spanish speakers in the United States. What most dont know is that nearly one in six Americans (52 million total) speak Spanish, either as their native language, a heritag e language spoken at home with parents or as a foreign language. By total speakers, that makes the USA the second largest Hispanophone country in the world.Spanish can be easily found in the Southwest, South Florida, New York and most bigger cities across the country. Its not only an important language for many individuals and families, but in many cases  its the language of daily life in cities like Miami, where generally even non-Hispanic Americans have at least passive understanding of the language. This geographic spread and significance are probably why Spanish is by far the most popularly learned second language in the US.In some parts of the country, Spanish will be just as useful as English, and nearly everywhere itll move you to the front of the line for delicious food and experiencing firsthand the cultures of the many Mexican, Cuban and Puerto Rican communities, along with those of the many other Spanish-speaking groups within the United States.2. Cajun  French: The Key t o Cajun CountryMany Americans speak French, but its not the same French youll hear on the streets of Paris or even Quebec.In the state of Louisiana, there are several very distinct dialects of French or French-based creoles that are still in common use and, despite their lack of a strong linguistic relationship to one another, can be lumped under the grouping of Louisiana French.The biggest and perhaps most famous of these varieties is Cajun French, spoken by the Cajuns of Southern Louisiana, a distinctly New World mix of Colonial French, Acadian French brought by settlers from French Canada, local Native American languages and English.This Louisiana original  is deeply tied to Cajun culture, and you can see its influence in Cajun  music performances and Cajun crawfish boils in towns like Lafayette, Louisiana. Here in the heart of Cajun Country, there are about 25,000 Cajun speakers. Most older locals are bilingual in Cajun and English, and there are lively  efforts to keep the lang uage going strong in the area.Also falling under the category of Louisiana French is Louisiana Creole French, a French-based Creole mixed with English, Native American and African languages thats  spoken by the Louisiana Creoles who also live in Southern Louisiana (but be careful not to confuse this distinct language, culture, food and people with its Cajun cousin). While its a distinct creole language rather than a dialect of French, Louisiana Creole can be said to be on a continuum with Cajun French and Parisian French.With so many different variants of the language  spoken in Louisiana, brushing up on your French will serve you well!3. Cantonese: The Language of Chinatown, USAWhile Mandarin is the most widely spoken  language  in China, Cantonese plays a special role outside of Chinas borders. The majority of Chinese expats abroad are from Cantonese-speaking regions, which means that, for just under half a million residents  of the great Chinatowns you find in cities like San Fra ncisco and New York, Cantonese is the language that dominates daily life.Although any American Chinatown is likely to be bursting with Cantonese speakers, the farther west you look the more youll find. In large cities all along the West Coast, as well as in many smaller communities between them, youll find large groups of people who conduct daily business and life in Cantonese.Despite the fact that Mandarin-speaking immigrants are starting to make their own impacts on North American Chinatowns, Cantonese isnt going anywhereâ€"although it does mean that learning Mandarin Chinese is a good investment as well!4. Gullah: American Hybrid of the Sea IslandsIt would be all too easy to drive through the Carolinas and never hear of a language or people called Gullah.Also known as Sea Island Creole English, Gullah is an English-based creole with strong influences from several Niger-Congo languages spoken in West Africa, and its used in the very close-knit Gullah community in the Sea Islands o f North and South Carolina.As was the case with many groups of slaves forcibly brought to the Americas, the original speakers of Gullah developed a hybrid language to speak amongst themselves in privacy from slave owners. The language has historically been formally outlawed in several states, resulting in a mere few hundred native speakers today.Now this language enjoys formal education programs in parts of South Carolina, supported by a vibrant Gullah cultural revival based in Charleston. Gullah is known for its storytelling tradition, the source of the popularization of the Gullah  word kumbayah,  meaning come sit by me.5. Pennsylvania German: The Language of the American AmishMost Americans have heard of the Pennsylvania Dutch before, which is why it might be odd to learn that the language they speak is called Pennsylvania German.The Dutch in the name of the American Amish community, their Mennonite cousins and the descendants of both, is an improper translation of  Deutsche, whi ch means German in German. The language spoken in the community today is still mutually intelligible with Standard German.Even more counterintuitively: Pennsylvania German (which, as you remember, is spoken by the Pennsylvania Dutch) is spoken in many more places than just Pennsylvania. About 200,000 Amish and Mennonite speakers use the language in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, other Midwestern states and parts of Canada. For these speakers, its a deeply cultural language thats strongly tied to the Amish and Mennonite identity, and most members of these communities speak it fluently alongside English.If you have an interest in visiting or learning about American Amish and Mennonite communities, learning some German would put you well on your way to sitting down at the dinner table and chatting with the locals in Pennsylvania German!6. Navajo: A Vibrant Native American LanguageLong before European colonizers arrived, indigenous peoples of the Americas had developed their own societies and cultures, all operating with  Native American languages. Today, Navajo is one of the few indigenous languages of the USA that enjoys a large speaking population, formal education and is still going strong in general.Throughout New Mexico, Arizona and other parts of the Southwest, about 170,000 Navajo people continue to use their native languages at home and in daily life. The Navajo Nation offers formal education in Navajo in its territories, one of the reasons language preservation efforts have been largely successful compared to those of other Native American languages.7. English: The USAs #1 ExportAnd of course, it cant be avoided in a list like this: English. While the United States has Mother England to thank for inheriting its language, the USA is now the global center and biggest exporter of the English language and the global culture surrounding it.American pop cultural imperialism spread American TV, films, music, and literatureâ€"and with it American English and even American slang  and idiomsâ€"throughout the Western world in the second half of the twentieth century, becoming largely responsible for todays reality in which you can find young, educated English speakers in most large or cosmopolitan cities in the world.Its also the de facto official language of the United States, used at all levels of government, in public education and spoken by the overwhelming majority of Americans as a first or second language. Every day over 300 million Americansâ€"native speakers, bilinguals and immigrantsâ€"continue to use the English language and pump its cultural products out into the wider world.So, while English is obviously number one  in the USA, dont let that fool you into thinking its the  only  one.This list could be significantly longer!  Vietnamese and Tagalog are spoken in small pockets of nearly every major city. Bosnian is the language of choice in some of St. Louiss south side neighborhoods. Several thousand Kurds have carried  their languag e and culture to Nashville. Cherokee is spoken throughout the Southeast. Over 100,000 Bengali speakers call New York City home.If youre living in or visiting the USA and already speak good English, think about learning a bit of one of the many other languages, local or  imported, that correspond to the many unique  communities and cultures within  one of the worlds largest and most diverse countries.A few phrases in Cajun French or Navajo have the potential to open up entire cultures that many dont even know exist!Jakob is a full-time traveler, obsessive language learner and dedicated language teacher. He writes about language, travel and the many places they meet on the road at his blog Globalect.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Dyslexia Now You Can Take A Walk In Their Shoes

Dyslexia Now You Can Take A Walk In Their Shoes Now, this misunderstood condition has become far more understandable thanks to a new website that simulates the sensation for those that don’t have the condition, allowing them to step into a dyslexic person’s shoes. Affecting one in five people, dyslexia is so common that celebrities such as Tom Cruise and Richard Branson have spoken to it, especially since a condition so common is very seldom understood by those without it. Victor Widell, a coder with a dyslexic friend, wanted to know what the condition did -â€" wanted to understand the condition more in depth so as to better understand his friend. In his friend’s words, when she is reading, it’s as if the letters in the words are being swapped in and out of place. So, the coder created this simulation to teach others not only what it feels like to read with dyslexia, but also how difficult and time consuming simple tasks such as reading a paragraph can become when faced with the condition. For those of you that read the passage on the site (or that tried, but were unable to translate), here is the full text: “A friend who has dyslexia described to me how she experiences reading. She can read, but it takes a lot of concentration, and the letters seem to ‘jump around.’ “I remembered reading about typoglycemia. Wouldn’t it be possible to do it interactively on a website with JavaScript? Sure it would. “Dyslexia is characterized by difficulty with learning to read fluently and with accurate comprehension despite normal intelligence. This includes difficulty with phonological awareness, phonological decoding, processing speed, orthographic coding, auditory short-term memory, language skills/verbal comprehension, and/or rapid naming. “Developmental reading disorder (DRD) is the most common learning disability. Dyslexia is the most recognized of reading disorders, however not all reading disorders are linked to dyslexia. “Some see dyslexia as distinct from reading difficulties resulting from other causes, such as a non-neurological deficiency with vision or hearing, or poor or inadequate reading instruction. “There are three proposed cognitive subtypes of dyslexia (auditory, visual and attentional), although individual cases of dyslexia are better explained by specific underlying neuropsychological deficits and co-occurring learning disabilities (e.g. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, math disability, etc.). “Although it is considered to be a receptive language-based learning disability in the research literature, dyslexia also affects one’s expressive language skills. Researchers at MIT found that people with dyslexia exhibited impaired voice-recognition abilities.” While the website gets the point across, it’s also important to note that it’s not entirely accurate. While some may experience dyslexia in this way, others do not. There is a lot of variation to the condition, and though seeing movement in words and seeing letter rotations are both very common, not everyone will experience them. The response from dyslexic community members has been varied, as some believe their condition is mirrored by the simulation while others believe their condition varies, slightly or greatly, from the simulation. But for those that aren’t familiar with the condition, or that have heard of it, but weren’t quite sure what it meant, this website is groundbreaking. Even if not all variations of the condition are displayed in this coding, the general idea is, taking a once misunderstood condition and transforming it into a tangible, understandable condition that might just help to change the way that we think about overcoming learning-related obstacles.

How to Use Compass Math Help to Learn Algebra

How to Use Compass Math Help to Learn AlgebraAre you looking for help with Compass Math Help? If so, you've come to the right place.Algebra is a subject that is required for college. It is a course in which students learn the rules of algebra and how it is used in different situations. It is a subject that will help them develop different parts of mathematics. Compass Math Help is an easy and fun way to learn how to use these different parts of mathematics to solve problems.Compass Math Help can help you understand math more easily. You won't have to worry about trying to learn the same math steps over again. You'll learn a formula, a number, a series of steps or words used in a problem. As you progress through the problem, you will be able to use the right formula to find the answer.You will have the ability to use algebra on a larger scale. Algebra will help you plan out math problems in terms of how you might use them in real life. It will help you plan out a financial budget for your business. The resources you use in Algebra will also help you plan your math lessons for your classes. You will be able to see and understand the different algebraic expressions needed to solve the problem.Algebra is a tool for students. It is a great tool to use for problems. For example, if you want to know what is the exact value of three hundred and fifty dollars, you will need to use this method. Compass Math Help is an easy way to help students as they develop their skills.Compass Math Help is different from other methods of algebra. Students learn through activities that require them to learn different formulas, words, numbers and shapes. Forexample, you'll use words for the proper way to make math charts that are used in another part of math. Compass Math Help encourages students to learn the most difficult parts of math and solve problems as many times as possible. This type of teaching allows students to think about problem solving in different ways.Algebra is a compl ex subject. Compass Math Help allows students to look at math in a different way.

Teri Chemistry Tutor - A List of Great Resources

Teri Chemistry Tutor - A List of Great ResourcesIf you are looking for a Teri Chemistry Tutor then you have come to the right place. This is a list of sites that will help you get the information you need to prepare for your degree. If you have any questions, then I suggest you go to the school website and speak with the teachers there.Teri Physics tutor is an online tutoring site. They offer some really good advice on various subjects including physics. They are extremely helpful and can help to keep up to date with whatever is going on in the field. I use them every time I take a physics course.Teri Chemistry tutor is another good choice for chemistry students. This site is set up to help you learn everything about chemistry from introductory to advanced levels.The Teri Physics tutor site provides a free downloadable 'instructional videos' which you can view at your own leisure. They also have an active forum for interaction with other people who have taken physics or chemistry.If you are a high school student, the Teri Chemistry tutor is your best bet. It offers detailed reviews of chemistry courses, while also offering some very useful tips for further study. It also has a huge list of chemistry tutors from various universities around the world.Once you have registered with the site, you will be able to choose the Chemistry Tutors from their large list. You will be able to see their profiles and complete their profile. After you have chosen a tutor, you will then be able to pay a small one time fee and they will help you with all the required homework and instructions for a particular class.Teri Chemistry tutor is good for beginners who are still learning the subject and want to put some time into it. You will also find that if you are a member of the site that you will be able to post your questions to other members.

Chemistry Balancing Equations Calculator

Chemistry Balancing Equations CalculatorUsing a chemistry balancing equation calculator is very important to any student or teacher. It can be useful in every part of a school's curriculum, from textbooks to teaching materials.Chemistry is a large and complicated subject, so the teacher will probably use textbooks to learn it. These are very detailed and well written, and they may cover various topics, like the atmosphere, the various elements, and so on. A textbook can be quite intimidating for someone new to chemistry, and if the professor has made that big fuss about the air and atmosphere, then the student may get worried that he or she is not doing enough.If the student doesn't understand all of the formulas that are taught in the book, he or she may need a math help. Or if the instructor just wants to show the student how to do a certain experiment, he or she may want the student to be able to see it done. A calculator is a great way to show a student what is going on with the equation. It may even take them out of the book and show them how to go about making a discovery.There are several different types of equations in chemistry. There are basic equations, then advanced equations, and finally advanced equations with additional equations that make them more complicated. In every type of equation, the quantities are usually written as either algebraic equations or scientific equations.Algebraic equations have two variables. They can be both variables or one variable and an associated constant. They are usually written as exponents, and often in chemistry they are written as coefficients. One term in algebraic equations is called the constant, and the constant is either x or y.The other type of equation is scientific equations. They have one variable that is always equal to one. Often, a scientific equation will also have another variable. This can be any variable that has to do with the physical properties of the element. Usually, the variable will be rel ated to the unit of measurement, but sometimes the variable is not, and there will be a numerical value associated with it.Advanced equations are much more complicated than the simple algebraic equations used in algebra. In chemistry, complex equations are used to solve a more difficult problem. Sometimes a complex equation will have many variables, and many more terms. A chemistry balancing equation calculator can be used to solve a complex equation, which can then help a student to remember the problems that they need to solve, and which equations they will need to solve.

Biology Revision The Outstanding Discoveries In The Field Of Biology

Biology Revision The Outstanding Discoveries In The Field Of Biology The Biggest Breakthroughs In Biology And Who Came To Find Them ChaptersHow Has Biological Research Enhanced Our Lives?Mid-Late 20th Century Biological DiscoveriesBreakthroughs Emerging From The Last 25 YearsFamous BiologistsWhat Is The Nobel Prize For Physiology Or Medicine?Using The Internet To Enhance Your Biology Revision MahimaBiology Teacher 5.00 (10) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndyBiology Teacher 5.00 (2) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlishaBiology Teacher 5.00 (10) £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SaifBiology Teacher 5.00 (9) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FrankBiology Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HeavenliBiology Teacher £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SiobhanBiology Teacher £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MackenzieBiology Teacher 5.00 (2) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow Has Biological Research Enhanced Our Lives?As a student and enthusiast of Biology, you will already be familiar with the conce pts of the Science. However, are you aware of how much of an impact some biological breakthroughs have had on our world?Biology plays a huge part in agriculture, medicine and even psychology.While many breakthroughs are a result of collective research and are as such the responsibility and fruition of various heads coming together and working hard on a common cause, there are still some individual biologists who deserve recognition for the influential work they have carried out.Here, we will take a look at some of the most respected of scientists within the field of Biology as well as some of the most innovative breakthroughs of this century, and  the last.Mid-Late 20th Century Biological DiscoveriesIVFIVF, or In Vitro Fertilisation goes back to the 1970s century when John Rock first extracted a fertilised egg and it became clear that this technology could be used to develop and later transfer eggs into the uterus.This exciting new technology meant the world for many infertile men a nd women, giving them the opportunity to get pregnant and have the chance at becoming a family. It was in 1979 that the first human baby was born through IVF after which many more birth stories emerged.A common scenario for infertile couples was to have a surrogate, who would be artificially inseminated using a kit containing the intended father's semen. In this case, the baby would have been conceived using the surrogate woman's egg.However, surrogacy opportunities moved on too and women were able to host eggs of the intended mother, or donated eggs, which meant that the carrier of the baby had no genetic link to the baby inside her womb. Though more expensive as an option, this was often the preferred choice for many surrogates as it is a situation they feel more comfortable with.During the early 90s, doctors experimented with freezing and thawing embryos which led to even more success for this scientific procedure.DNAWhile DNA was first discovered in the late 1800s, it was in 192 7 that scientists proposed that it was a ‘giant hereditary molecule’ made up of two strands.Later, around the beginning of the 1940s, a team of biologists (which included Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarthy) identified the first facts displaying DNA’s specific role in hereditary, called the transforming principle, later verified in the 50s by the Hershey-Chase duo.It was during this decade that laboratories came up with the double-helix model of DNA structure that is familiar to us today.Find A level biology distance learning courses online.Scientists discovered the double-helix structure of DNA strands in the second half of the 20th century. Photo credit: M Pinarci via Visualhunt / CC BYWe now know far more about our genes and the role of DNA.For instance, we have discovered that DNA is made of twisted strands of the bases A, T, C and G and that genes are sections of this DNA. Each gene contains the code for creating a particular protein and the sequence of bases within the gene dictates which amino acids are created and joined to produce a new protein molecule.Mass Production Of PenicillinMeanwhile, in the 1940s, Alexander Fleming was the driving force behind the mass production of penicillin, a group of antibiotics which were, and still are, effective against numerous bacterial infections.Though Fleming dates his discovery of the medicine back to the 1920s, his findings were not initially given the attention they deserved and it wasn’t until the 1940s, when a team headed by Howard Florey began to mass-produce the drug for pharmaceutical companies.The three main investors in the discover, Florey, Ernst Boris Chain and Fleming shared the 1945 Nobel Prize in Medicine for their work.Check for A level biology courses online. MahimaBiology Teacher 5.00 (10) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndyBiology Teacher 5.00 (2) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlishaBiology Teacher 5.00 (10) £9/h1st lesson free!Discover al l our tutors SaifBiology Teacher 5.00 (9) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FrankBiology Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HeavenliBiology Teacher £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SiobhanBiology Teacher £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MackenzieBiology Teacher 5.00 (2) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBreakthroughs Emerging From The Last 25 YearsFurther Infertility TreatmentsWhile much of what we know about us and the world we live in has come from years of discovery and research, the last 25 years have seen us through a range of groundbreaking discoveries, as well as building on existing biological concepts.Infertility treatment, for example, is continuing to advance even to this date. While the late 1900s saw scientists discover how to help couples conceive by implanting embryos, major advancements in recent years mean that even women who have had their ovaries removed can still birth healthy children thanks to ovarian tissue transplants.Thanks to IVF, many infertile couples can now birth healthy babies. Photo credit: Faith @101 via VisualHunt / CC BY-SAFurthermore, while surrogates and  donors were the most efficient way to grow embryos for men and women struggling to conceive naturally, these surrogates and sperm and egg donors are being somewhat phased out now thanks to new technology that enables doctors to enhance women’s ability to produce healthy eggs and likewise men’s ability to contribute effective sperm.Now that the technology is more common in our everyday lives, IVF processes are often far cheaper than they once were, which means that more couples can experience the benefits of this life-changing technology.The Cloning Of Dolly The SheepOne breakthrough which you will no doubt learn about during the course of your studies is the cloning of Dolly the sheep. In 1996, scientists successfully cloned a female sheep for the very first time using adult cells from the m ammary glands in a process called nuclear transfer.The sheep, subsequently named Dolly, grew normally and fully and went down in History. Since then, scientists have been able to clone further species, even attempting to reproduce extinct animals using the scientific technology to try to save endangered or newly extinct species.Genetic ModificationMuch like the above procedure, many more scientific research projects have come under the microscope in regards to their ethics. One extremely controversial topic is the gene-editing research in early human development which has the ability to modify genetics of a human embryo.Gene-editing could bring an end to inherited diseases but many fear that the science could get out of control and could end up with people making choices about their unborn child that they shouldn't need to make, such as determining their gender, the colour of their eyes or hair, and so on.However, while some may be against the interference of scientists with the hum an body, many great things have come from this research and are still yet to come.Two more significant breakthroughs  in Biology are the research into stem cells, which enable doctors to treat blood disorders or cancers,  and the biomedical research which has led to robotic limbs being controlled by the brain using neural signals. The latter is particularly exciting for our war heroes who have lost limbs whilst risking their lives on the front line for our country.Famous BiologistsWithin The Field Of Infertility TreatmentGoing back to the breakthrough and development of IVF, Robert Edwards should not go unnoticed. Edwards was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his contribution towards the development of the biological process.Carl Wood, however, was equally as important and as a result was dubbed ‘the father of IVF’ after having pioneered the freezing and thawing of embryos.Genetic ModificationMore recently, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2007 was awarded jointly to Oliver Smithies, Sir Martin J. Evans and Mario R. Capecchi for their discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications using embryonic stem cells. While their research was carried out on mice, this huge breakthrough marked a big milestone in understanding the role of our genes and their significance.What Is The Nobel Prize For Physiology Or Medicine?The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is an award presented each year by the Nobel Foundation to recognise the outstanding discoveries in the field of biological sciences and medicine.Worthy scientists are awarded a Nobel Prize for their discoveries in Science. Photo credit: Trondheim | Gjøvik | Ã…lesund via / CC BY-SAUsing The Internet To Enhance Your Biology RevisionIf you are interested in knowing more about some of the individuals who have helped to shape the history of Biology, as well as the discoveries they have made, then you can use the Internet to source such findin gs and use it to enhance your Biology revision.For example, to get an idea of what is being researched right now, take a look at the recent winners of the above Nobel Prize. Some of the findings are unbelievable and really very inspirational, so much so that they could well give you some great ideas to discuss when it comes to your upcoming exams.Websites such as BBC Bitesize and Revision World contain exercises and activities to help you to learn more about the significance of Biology on our natural world as well as teach you about the leading scientists within the field and the essential vocabulary you will need to work in the scientific sector. You could also skip your google search for 'biology tutors near me' and jump straight to Superprof where we have hundreds of biology tutors ready to give one on one assistance.To find out how your Biology revision crosses over with the arts too, see our blog on the artistic links.

Sign Language

Sign Language What Everyone Should Know About Sign Language ChaptersThe Advantages of Learning Sign LanguageFinding Sign Language ClassesResources and Apps to Learn Sign LanguageTips to Help You Learn Sign LanguageUnless you live in a very small town and never watch the telly, you have surely laid eyes on people who, through gestures and facial expression, enjoy lively conversation.Well, at least it looks lively; certainly livelier than mere speaking.Indeed, sign language is a fairly energetic undertaking; it involves much of your body â€" not just hands and arms.Wouldn’t you like to know how complex ideas can be conveyed without uttering a single word? How about being able to understand the concepts illustrated by those fluid gestures?Learning to sign involves equal parts of making the correct movements and building receptive skills â€" correctly ‘receiving’ the ideas conveyed through gestures and expressions.Sign language is communication on a whole different level, one that hearing people seem little aware of. And if there is awarene ss, it is more of an abstract variety.For hearing people and for much of the world, sign language is what deaf people do, just like Chinese people speak Chinese and French people speak French.Bet you didn’t know that there is a French sign language for French people who are deaf!There is so much about deaf culture, deaf history and the deaf community that the average person hasn’t even considered.Your Superprof hopes to remedy that situation by showing you how learning to sign can benefit you even if you are not hearing-impaired. We’d also like to point you to classes for learning sign language, and tips and resources so you can learn better and faster.Put on your noise-cancelling headphones and read on! £30,000 per year, that the job often involves travel (usually at your clients’ expense) and that you will always learn new things.We’d like to put a very personal reason for learning how to sign in the spotlight.When infants arch their backs, they are communicating that th ey want to be picked them up. Clearly, this baby wants something; could baby signing unlock that mystery? Image by joffi from PixabayIf you have ever been around a baby that’s even a couple of months old, you might have witnessed such a thing: the child, laying on its back, looks up at the adult face hovering over him (he can’t really see at that stage), and arches his back.Isn’t it remarkable how much easier that makes it to slide your hands under and lift him?If you are around babies a lot or if you have a baby, you must have noticed that your child learned early how to communicate: this cry means ‘hungry’ and that one means ‘nappy change, please!’All of this early communication is a subject of much wonder and awe… but what does the average parent do with it? Besides cherishing, nothing. We wait for a year for our children to become verbal.That is a lot of wasted time.If you want to see for yourself how powerful and influential sign language can be, why not teach your child baby sign language?St udies have shown that children who were taught to sign as babies generally perform better in school, suffer lower levels of stress, are more confident and can express themselves better.Sign language offers you those same benefits, along with those you might enjoy by learning any other language.You will find yourself multi-tasking like a pro, thinking at lightning speed and delighting in the boost to your memory. You will become more focused, with unparalleled attention to detail and still have brainpower to spare.Can you imagine how these advantages of learning sign language will play out in your career?Finding Sign Language ClassesWhether you are excited at the prospect of signing for your child or yourself, the best way to learn sign language is to take a sign language course.You might think you could hop on Duolingo or any other language learning app or website and get plenty of instruction to learn sign language; there are three main reasons that you shouldn’t.Will you learn t he right sign language?How will you know you’re signing correctly?  How can you develop the needed receptive skills?You may have already tried typing ‘learn sign language’ into your favourite search engine and, surely, you’ve gotten many returns. Do any of them specifically say British sign language or BSL?Most likely, unless you specified you wanted to learn BSL, most â€" if not all of the hits returned were for ASL or American sign language. In fact, those sites may not even specify that their materials are for American sign!You might wonder how different those languages could be; after all, both countries speak mainly English.Let us assure you that even the alphabets are not the same and, as radically different as they are, you couldn’t so much as finger-spell your name and be understood in Britain!Even if you searched specifically for BSL lessons online, you may learn quite a bit but, with nobody to sign with or to, how will you determine that you are communicating cor rectly?And what about interpreting what someone else is signing? If you get no practice conversing in sign, you may never be able to hold a conversation with someone who is deaf or hard of hearing.That is why your Superprof stands firm on taking a sign language class, where you can meet fellow signers, learn all of the vocabulary particular to your area â€" yes, sign language is regional, just like spoken dialect is.We’ve highlighted some of the best courses in the country in our companion article. You can find plenty of resources online to help you learn your second language, just be sure you select BSL apps! Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabayResources and Apps to Learn Sign LanguageIf you are keen to start signing as soon as possible, you only have one recourse: practise as often as you can.You could stand in front of a mirror for hours on end, holding conversations with your reflection or you could make use of the very best resource available to anyone learning to sign.Why not enjoy the warm welcome that the deaf community provides?All across the UK, there are deaf clubs where people get together, often socially but sometimes for a specific purpose â€" think ‘England Deaf Football’, for a convivial evening of signing and fun. Anyone who can sign, hearing or not, is welcome to join them.The deaf and hard of hearing are truly your best help for learning sign language (and they’re great people to be around, too!) but there are more resources for you.You might want a sign language dictionary to download to your phone or watch some sign language videos between classes, just to pick up on particular facial expressions that go with certain signs or that are associated uniquely with sign languages.You may even want to find some fingerspelling exercises and games so you can practise that skills set!All of that can be had online, with one caveat: make sure you are targeting British sign language resources, not some foreign language!Perhaps it would be best to check out the resources and apps we found… During your sign language studies, you might consider a fun night out with your local deaf club Image by Ira Lee Nesbitt from PixabayTips to Help You Learn Sign LanguageWe leave you now with some ideas to consider as you learn this visual language.The first, most vital tip to learning how to sign is to abandon the idea that signing is only for deaf people.In fact, it would be a good idea to educate yourself about deafness â€" for instance, did you know that deaf people, for the most part, do not particularly want to become 'hearing'?You might spend some time with deaf students to see how their lessons are taught and learn about deaf education in general.Learning sign language without immersing yourself into the deaf community is a little like learning French without ever going to France or having any exposure to French culture, French people or French society.You can learn the words but, without understanding the culture, your expressions will lack depth and you will surely miss out on the context of what is being said.By the same token, don’t just learn the sign language alphabet and claim you can sign; that’s a bit like someone who says they speak French and then blurts out the famous line from the Lady Marmelade song…Besides ridding yourself of preconceived notions about deaf people and immersing yourself into the deaf community, we offer these tips:Understand what sign language is: this expressive, gestural form of communication is not a word-for-word translation of your native languageBeware of online tutorials; they may not be in British sign languageChoose your teacher well: some prefer an instructor who can speak and sign; others contend it is better to have a deaf instructor who has been signing since childhoodPractise every day by seeking opportunities to engage with the deaf community: talk with deaf children, go to deaf club meetings and participate in activities with people who are deaf and hard of hearing.Whatever your reason(s) for taking u p sign language â€" because someone in your circle or your hearing demands it, you’ve been studying linguistics or because you are simply interested in language acquisition, we applaud you and encourage your studies by offering more tips for learning sign language.Won’t you let us know how your language studies are coming along?